All sorts of things mess around with file dates and of concern to me was a number of home videos I transcoded that ended up with new file creation dates that I wanted to retain against the original write time. We can handle this in Windows with a little PowerShell. I’ll assume here that all files are in the same path and without their extensions, all files have unique names.
First capture the original creation dates:
dir | Export-CSV originaldates.csv
After your file edits are complete you use the following script (note there is line in there that will swap the extension):
Import-Csv originaldates.csv | ForEach-Object {
$originalFile = $_.Name
$newFile = $originalFile.Split(".")[0] + ".mp4"
$oldDate = Get-Date -Date $_.LastWriteTime
Get-ItemProperty -Path $newFile | ForEach-Object {
$_.LastWriteTime = $oldDate
This post is mostly a reminder for me but might help you out too. Always backup before changing files and be careful!