Dell ESXi 7.0 U3 Install

The Dell version of VMware has been released and can be installed simply on a standalone ESXi server once it is maintenance mode.

First get the ZIP file from VMware:

You should verify the checksum:







Checksums for ESXi ZIP file

Upload the ZIP file to a datastore that can be accessed by ESXi (local or remote) however don’t copy it to the boot media unless you know what you are doing.

Then login to your ESXi server with SSH and run the following command:

esxcli software vib update -d /vmfs/volumes/60227c60-5702564e-2ec8-246e9611f984/

Give it a good few minutes and then you should get a successful install. Reboot to complete the install.

I’ve done this without issue on my R630 and will do my T630 soon. But this should work on the R730 too - maybe the R720.