eksctl utils write-kubeconfig --cluster=MyEKS
kubectl create ns jenkins
kubectl create serviceaccount jenkins --namespace jenkins
kubectl create rolebinding jenkins-admin-binding --clusterrole admin --serviceaccount jenkins:jenkins --namespace jenkins
kubectl create token jenkins --namespace jenkins
Welcome to my blog. Hopefully here you will find some interesting and detailed articles relating to Windows Home Server, Home Computing and General IT.
Updating the kernel on Centos 7
rpm --import https://www.elrepo.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-elrepo.org
yum install -y https://www.elrepo.org/elrepo-release-7.el7.elrepo.noarch.rpm
yum --enablerepo=elrepo-kernel install -y kernel-lt
Required package to create buildroot images
Buildroot is a system for creating Linux based operating systems with a fully customisable arrangement. Buildroot can be run in any Linux environment but on Ubuntu it requires a few extra packages:
sudo apt install build-essential clang flex bison g++ gawk gcc-multilib g++-multilib gettext git libncurses5-dev libssl-dev python3-distutils rsync unzip zlib1g-dev file wget
4G Backup on a budget
I’ve been working from home since before the pandemic and working with IT I have to maintain a reliable, always on connection to the internet to do my work - like I am sure most of you do too. Using just one internet provider is not reliable enough to maintain service each and every day of the year.
For about 6 years now we’ve had two internet connections, one with BT and one with Virgin. There have been some outages with them over the years, but never both at the same time. I use a router than can handle failover and load-balancing. So if my main connection drops the backup takes over right away. Typically you get disconnected from Teams or Zoom but it reconnects right away and it is much faster than the current crop of broadband services with mobile backup. And that is why I am here.
[Read More]Query IDRAC with Ansible
Dell provide an Ansible module to query IDRAC. You can use this to get information on the server. The example below fetches the tag.
pip3 install ansible ansible-lint
ansible-galaxy collection install git+https://github.com/dell/dellemc-openmanage-ansible-modules.git,collections
pip3 install omsdk --upgrade
- hosts: localhost
- name: Get System Inventory
idrac_ip: ""
idrac_user: "admin"
idrac_password: "admin"
validate_certs: false
register: system_info
- name: Debug output
msg: "{{ system_info.system_info.System[0].ServiceTag }}"
ansible-playbook idrac.yaml
Keto recipe blog
I started a new blog for vegetarian keto meals. There are not the many foods that you can have on a keto vegetarian so having some recipes to help alleviate the boredom of repetitive meals will help.
Check out the blog:
Using Deployment Slots in Azure App Service
Azure App Service provides a powerful and flexible platform for deploying and managing web applications. One key feature of Azure App Service is deployment slots, which allow you to deploy and test new versions of your application code in a staging environment before promoting them to production. In this blog post, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide to using deployment slots in Azure App Service to minimize downtime and risk when deploying updates to your web application.
[Read More]Downtime with deployment slots in Azure App Service
What are the main causes of downtime when using deployment slots in Azure App Service, and how can you minimize their impact on your application’s availability?
The causes of downtime when using deployment slots in Azure App Service are typically not related to the application loading process itself. Rather, downtime can occur due to a variety of factors, including misconfigured deployment settings, incorrect application code, and connectivity issues.
For example, if your application code contains errors or compatibility issues that were not detected during testing in the staging environment, these issues may cause the application to fail or behave unexpectedly when it is deployed to the production environment. In such cases, you may need to roll back to the previous version of your application code or troubleshoot and fix the issues before the application can be restored to normal operation.
[Read More]Accessing a Draytek Vigor 130 via UDMP
Quick guide in how to setup access to a Draytek Vigor 130 through a Unifi Dream Machine Pro.
SSH into the UDM Pro:
ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa [email protected]
ip address add dev eth7 ip route add dev eth7
from the UDM Pro telnet to the Modem:
ip route add static
Now you can use a web browser to access
Getting WAN Ping to work on Unifi Dream Machine Pro UDM
Changes to the UnifiOS have meant that WAN ping does not work any more. You can enable this on the UDM by going into Firewall & Security in the UDM Network Settings. Create a new rule called “Echo Reply” in Internet Local and select “ICMP” for IPv4 Protocol and “Echo Reply” for IPv4 ICMP Type Name. Leave all other settings as default and ensure that Rule Applied shows “Before Predefined Rule”.
[Read More]